Poorly designed workstation setups can significantly increase the risk of a musculoskeletal condition occuring. Take a proactive approach and remove the risk before it’s too late with our Ergonomic Assessment and Training options.

Ergonomic habits and poorly designed workstations are recognised as key contributors to many musculoskeletal conditions. Poor posture is linked to neck and back pain, shoulder dysfunction, headaches and a range of repetitive strain injuries. Prolonged sitting is becoming the new smoking and can have a detrimental impact on the health of your workforce.

Taking an active approach is fundamental in reducing ergonomic related injuries and ergonomic assessment and training is your starting point. At Absolute we have a range of options when it comes to ergonomic assessments. From small businesses to large, we can recommend the most appropriate and cost effective ergonomic intervention for your workplace.

We offer:

  • Basic Individual Workstation Assessments

  • Comprehensive Individual Workstation Assessments (for injured workers)

  • Group Workstation Assessments

  • ‘Train the Trainer’ Ergonomic Education Sessions

During a Workstation Assessment our experienced Physiotherapists will:

  • Discuss the workers injury history

  • Thoroughly assess current workstation setup

  • Make changes ‘on the spot’ if possible

  • Provide information regarding available ergonomic products and tools (if required)

  • Generate a written report detailing findings and appropriate interventions